Adele - Make You Feel My Love .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011


When you know you're all alone,what's the point of waking up...? It's just a simple question.But still nobody could answer it. You drink your coffee and you look outside. People down street follow the rutine and the same old life without living the life...Sad story though..nobody actually realise that. The rutine brings us down,why shouldn't we break it through? Break free! Travel...So you can see the world with your own eyes not on Tv..Tv is fool of shit!  "Believe in dreams,
You love so much...Let the passion of your heart,Make them real.And tell All the ones you love  Anything and everything you feel" So you can believe in yourself...

Vampire eye


Arise...And be All that you've Dreamed!

With a smile..

...(A nu se da zoom)...

Cherry Blossom


About Music.

On the sea side

Childhood rising

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

It's been so long...

It's cold outside.I can't expect for much because it's 14th April and the cloudy days will stay still for a couple of weeks though...
But i'm missing that beautiful time spent outside too much! I need to get out and express my happiness with the one i love and share my smile with every bird singing and all those people that try to break into their world looking for freedom.
Those times make my pieces of life look too dark and too hard to believe that there is a chance to breath.
Anyway...I'm chilled now so i don't need to worry so much anymore...summer is comming pretty fast...Look outside and you'll see the changes that summer expects you to make.Change yourself into a better person and take care!

marți, 5 aprilie 2011

Nu esti singur...

Sii stii asta.Oricat de ciudat sau enervant poti fi,nu vei fi niciodata singur,spre norocul sau ghinionul unora.Ai nevoie de cineva care sa te imbratiseze,sa te iubeasca si inteleaga...Si cand le ai deja pe toate astea devii mofturos si nu mai apreciezi ce ai,vrei ceva nou! E stupida nevoia aceasta de "schimbare a relatiei" pe care o consideri monotona.E monotona din cauza voastra! Incercati sa va diversificati alegerile,iesirile in oras,etc...Si nu-i subestimati pe ceilalti.Grow wild maaan!!

duminică, 3 aprilie 2011

Dear my closest friend...

           Am de invatat lucruri noi...Chiar daca de multe ori ma descurc si trec peste o situatie dificila,cand vine vorba de a ma certa cu un prieten,rar reusesc sa ma stapanesc...Mi-e greu si nu-mi place sa ma lupt cu cineva drag.Fie ca am dreptate sau nu...In acel moment nu prea e important.As vrea sa-l iau in brate si sa-i spun ca imi pare rau,nu suport ideea ca cei apropiati sa-mi fie departe...
          Cel mai important e sa ierti,sa uiti ce s-a intamplat pentru ca ai nevoie de ei si stii ca si ei de tine, iar daca sunt intradevar prieteni adevarati stii ca indiferent de ce se va mai intampla ei vor fi acolo...Trebuie s ainveti sa-i pretuiesti pentru ca fac parte din viata ta si sunt o parte din tine...Ai grija de ei!